Part expose, part history lesson and part provocation, Rethinking Design Thinking extends Humantific’s significant body of sensemaking work addressing innovation, design and changemaking. Connecting the dots between theory and practice, philosophy and methodology, this book shares our perspective on how Humantific makes sense of the already-arriving future of design / design thinking.
With vast confusion around the subject of design thinking in the marketplace, this book jumps in with a combination of thought-provoking conversational text and explanation diagrams. Stepping outside the pervasive industry marketing narrative, Rethinking Design Thinking points out the need for a new form of readiness to better take on the scale and complexity of organizational and societal challenges now emerging. This book clearly makes the case for more robust and adaptive methods beyond the assumptions of product, service and experience creation.
The good news is that this book also points out that a next generation, emerging practice community has already pressed the RESET Button and is already hard at work reinventing design thinking / doing for complex situations. If you are ready to acknowledge significant change challenges facing design / design thinking as methodology and interested in more clearly defined paths forward, Rethinking Design Thinking is for you.


GK VanPatter
GK VanPatter is CoFounder of Humantific and author of Innovation Methods Mapping, DeMystifying 80+ Years of Innovation Process Design. He is an internationally recognized innovation capacity building advisor. His passion is helping to build next generation innovation leadership skills and inclusive innovation cultures. He holds a Masters Degree in design from Pratt Institute in New York and has decades of strategic practitioner experience. He was an early advocate of rethinking design beyond the assumptions of product, service and experience. As Editor of the groundbreaking NextD Journal he has gained an international readership. Prior to cofounding Humantific, GK was VP of Innovation at Scient, a Scient Fellow and CoFounder of Scient’s Innovation Acceleration Lab. Geared to organizational leaders, he codesigned Humantifc’s Complexity Navigation Program. He has long been actively involved in the Next Generation Emerging Practice Community and the Rethinking Design Thinking Movement. He speaks frequently at conferences around the world.

Peter Jones PhD
Peter Jones Ph.D is author of Design for Care, Innovating Healthcare Experience, CoFounder of Redesign Network and the RSD symposium (Relating Systems Thinking and Design). He is on the Graduate Faculty of Design at OCAD University, where he teaches in the Strategic Foresight and Innovation program. Peter holds a doctorate from the Union Institute with a focus on interdisciplinary study of design and innovation management. He has decades of practitioner experience in designing complex systems and information products. He is actively involved in the Next Generation Emerging Practice Community and the Rethinking Design Thinking Movement.

Elizabeth Pastor
Elizabeth Pastor is CoFounder of Humantific and author of Innovation Methods Mapping, DeMystifying 80+ Years of Innovation Process Design. She is an internationally recognized expert in the hybrid combination of Visual SenseMaking and Strategic CoCreation. Elizabeth holds a Masters Degree in Communication & New Media Design from Art Center College of Design in California. She teaches in the European Institute of Design graduate design programs, the Graduate Business School at ICADE and the experimental TeamLabs University in Madrid. She is actively involved in the Next Generation Emerging Practice Community and the Rethinking Design Thinking Movement.

Previously Published
Culminating a multi-year study Innovation Methods Mapping is focused on making sense of innovation process design, a complex, chaotic subject. With an avalanche of innovation methods now in circulation within the marketplace, sorting out and making sense of the mess can be a daunting task. In this book we are sharing how we make sense of this complex subject spanning an 80+ year time period and numerous communities of practice. Containing a reusable Think Balance Analysis Framework this book would save anyone working on innovation methodology R&D five or more years of research and contextual assessment.